
Monday, November 29, 2010

Constitution of Bangladesh

Constitution is the complete introduction for a country. In 16th December, 1971 Bangladesh makes a Decree of General Assembly in the globe of the world. Disclosing as a sovereign state the necessity of a constitution was very important. That’s why the independent government of Bangladesh drew up a Constitution of Bangladesh for Bangladesh.

In 23rd March, 1972 the President declared the Decree of General Assembly. It was the very first step to composing the Constitution of Bangladesh. According to this Decree from the area of Bangladesh makes an association within the elected national association members and international association members in the December of 1970 and in the January and March of 1971. The General assembly was constituted within the 169 members of national association and 300 members of international association. The assembly was responsible to produce a permanent and complete Constitution for Bangladesh.

The opening ceremony of General Assembly was held in 10th April, 1972. The members elected the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker at the starting of the program. Shah Abdul Hamid was elected the Speaker and Mr. Muhammad Ullah was elected the Deputy Speaker. At the second day of the session a Rough Constitution Composing Committee was created consisting of thirty four members in 11th April, 1972. The Minister of Law of Bangladesh, Dr. Kamal Hossain was appointed the Chairman of the Rough Constitution Composing Committee. The Rough Constitution Composing Committee was asked to submit a report as a bill before 10th June, 1972. The committee arranged their first meeting at 17th April, 1972. The committee ask proposal about Constitution of Bangladesh from different parties and interested general people. That’s why they got ninety eight proposals from different sector.

The committee approved a primary bill in their meeting in 10th June, 1972. The committee finalizes their conversation and makes decision then approve a primary rough of constitution in 11th October, 1972.

Election System

Election Commission of Bangladesh is establish with a Chief Election Commissioner and such number of other Election Commissioners (if any). Other Election Commissioners will appoint as the President may from time to time direct of the Chief Election Commissioner. In Bangladeshi Election System, President of Bangladesh Government himself makes the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners (if any) himself.

The rule is like if the Election Commission of Bangladesh consists of more than one person, the Chief Election Commissioner acts as the Chairman. And in the Election System of Bangladesh, it’s always an election commission not only consisting of one person but surely a group of very skilled, qualified persons. The period of an Elect ion Commissioner is of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office. A person, who has joined office as Chief Election Commissioner, cannot be eligible for appointment in the service of republic. Other Election Commissioners also cannot be otherwise eligible for appointment in the service of republic but can be promoted to Chief Election Commissioner.

The Election Commission is independent in exercise of its functions and subject only to Constitution and any other law. Subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament, the conditions of service of Election Commissioners such as the President may, by order, determine. In our election system, an Election Commissioner not removed from his office except in like manner and on the like grounds as a judge of the Supreme Court. An Election Commissioner can resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the President in the election system of Bangladesh. In accordance with Constitution and any other law, at first held elections to the office of President by the superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of the electoral rolls for elections to the office of President and the conduct of such elections shall vest in the Election Commissioner. Then, Election System for the turn of the elections of members of Parliament. Then the election system is that Election Commissioners delimit the constituencies for the purpose of elections to Parliament. Finally, Election Commissioners will prepare electoral rolls for the purpose of elections to the office of President and to Parliament.

Care-taker Government

After Parliament is dissolved or stands dissolved by reason of expiration of its term till the date on which a new Prime Minister enters upon his office after the constitution of Parliament there take place a Non-Party Care-taker Government during the period from the date on which the Chief Adviser of such government enters upon office. In the constitution of Bangladesh, Care-taker Government is very important. The unstable government do a most important and trustworthy job for the nation. The Care-taker Government introduce the mass people their preferable representative. The Non-Party Care-taker Government is always collectively responsible to the President. The Non-Party Care-taker Government construct consist of the Chief Adviser at its head and not more than ten other Advisers. All the advisers must be appointed by the President. The Chief Adviser and other Advisers are appointed within fifteen days after the Parliament is dissolved, and during the period between the dates on which Parliament is dissolved or stands dissolved. The date on which the Chief Adviser is appointed, the Prime Minister and his cabinet who were in office immediately before Parliament was dissolved or stood dissolved continue can to hold office as such. The President appoints as Chief Adviser the person who among the retired Chief Justices of Bangladesh retired last. He must be qualified to be appointed as an Adviser like if such retired Chief Justice is not available or is not willing to hold the office of Chief Adviser than the President appoints the position to the Chief Justices of Bangladesh retired next before the last Chief Justice. If no Chief Justices are also available the President appoints as Chief Adviser the person who among the retired Judges of the Appellate Division retired last. If such retired Judge is not available or not willing to hold the office of Chief Adviser of Care-taker Government, the President appoints as Chief Adviser the person who among the retired Judges of the Appellate Division retired next before the last such retired Judge.  

About History of Banglades

1. History of 1971
2. Sheikh Muzibur Rahman
3. Mawlana Bhasani
4. Ziaur Rahman
5. Shahid Shorowardi
6. A.K. Fazlul Hauque
7. Begum Rokeya
8. Constitution of Bangladesh
9. Election System
10. Caretaker Government