Love is the most beautiful feeling of man. The love for country is deeper than any other kind of love all over the world. We are very lucky because of our freedom fight which is full of the history of sacrifice; history of unbelievable heroism and the history of achieve a lot. The person who will know the history of the freedom fight of Bangladesh undoubtedly their chest will lengthen; head will heighten with enormous PRIDE.

From the very beginning of the born of Pakistan, the ruler of West Pakistan had started depriving the general and simple people of East Pakistan. At first they were trying badly to deprive them from their mother tongue. To protest this started Historical Language Movement. They were not happy and stopped only seize the mother tongue forcibly rather they wanted to take the mass generation away from the agriculture, education, industrialization and business. Due to such kind of disparity, naturally Bengali people stared remonstration. As a result, started The Revolt of 69; The Election of 70 and finally The Liberation War of 1971 that means Freedom Fight.
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